
Degrees and Certificates


BI 101: General Biology I

Semester Hours 4
The first in a two-course sequence (BI 101 and 102) designed for students who plan to major in the life sciences. Topics covered in this course include the chemical basis of life, cell structure, cellular metabolism, cell division, as well as Mendelian and molecular genetics. The laboratory portion of the course focuses on the scientific method, use of the microscope and other lab equipment, and methods for data analysis and presentation. Lab activities will complement the lecture topics.

BI 102: General Biology II

Semester Hours 4
The second in a two-course sequence (BI 101 and 102) designed for students who plan to major in the life sciences. Topics covered in this course include evolution and cladistics analysis, history of life on Earth, a survey of anatomy and physiology of major groups of living organisms, and an introduction to ecological principles. The laboratory portion of the course focuses on the scientific method, use of the microscope and other lab equipment, and methods for data analysis and presentation. Lab will include some dissections of animals or mammalian organs. Lab activities will complement the lecture topics.

BI 103: General Ecology

Semester Hours 4
A study of aquatic and terrestrial ecology. Laboratory work will include plot analysis, aquatic study of lentic and lotic systems, symbiosis, and animal and plant studies. Extensive outdoor field study is an integral part of this course. This is an intensive field course using the C-GCC Hudson River Field Station and other environmental resources.

BI 109: Contemporary Environmental Issues

Semester Hours 3
This course is designed to expose students to contemporary environmental issues. Topics will include policy development, use of and access to natural resources, hazardous waste management, global climate, and the effects of the growing population.

BI 112: Human Biology I

Semester Hours 4

This foundational biology course is a study of the human organism from the perspective of modem biology. Covered are basic chemistry of life, cells, tissues, organ systems, and ecology. Discussion, writing, and laboratory work are integral parts of this course.

BI 113: Environmental Science

Semester Hours 4
Provides in-depth study of important environmental issues, including pollution, energy conservation, land use, biological impacts, the urban environment, and human population. Students will monitor current events and perform laboratory exercises to become familiar with methods used in the field of ecology and natural resources management.

BI 115: Human Biology II

Semester Hours 3
This course is a continuation of Human Biology I and introduces body systems not covered in the first course in the sequence, in addition to relevant health topics and an introduction to microbiology.

BI 119: River Ecology

Semester Hours 3
An intensive field ecology course in which students will gain a working knowledge of flora, fauna, and ecosystem processes associated with streams and rivers. With more than 'A of the learning taking place in the outdoors (in most weather conditions), this field work offers opportunities for students to examine live organisms in their natural habitats and in the laboratory. Group and individual research is conducted. This course is based at the C-GCC Hudson River field-station, and students will hike and sometimes kayak to gain access to the ecosystems along the Hudson River and its tributaries. Both local and distant habitats are studied, as is the human impact on the environment. An appreciation and resilience for natural weather conditions and terrain is advisable.

BI 125: Plant Identification

Semester Hours 4
A field-oriented course to develop expertise in the ability to recognize the wide variety of plants that occur in the Northeast, including learning the scientific names and characteristics of the plant species encountered. Students will collect plants and make museum-quality herbarium mounts.

BI 128: Bird Study

Semester Hours 3
Provides an opportunity to learn to recognize the many species of birds represented in the college’s study skin collection. Emphasis is placed on diagnostic characteristics useful in field identification. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of avian taxonomy and includes a survey of the museum collection plus a curatorial project that teaches students how to use a collection to do research.

BI 130: Anatomy and Physiology I

Semester Hours 4
An in-depth survey of the scientific principles involved in the study of human anatomy and physiology. Pertinent concepts of chemistry, physics, and biology are reviewed, with emphasis on their application to human form and function. Topics include cytology, histology, and the integumentary, skeletomuscular, and neurological systems. The laboratory consists of an organized study of the body, including some dissection, the use of human and other mammalian organs and anatomical models, and the use of appropriate anatomy and physiology software. Evaluation is based on testing and laboratory work.

BI 131: Anatomy and Physiology II

Semester Hours 4
Emphasizes more advanced physiological concepts and homeostasis. Laboratory topics involve some in-depth dissection of specific organs and organ systems along with extensive use of anatomical models and the use of anatomy and physiology software. Evaluation is based on testing and laboratory work.

BI 210: General Microbiology

Semester Hours 4
Studies the fundamentals of microbiology. Emphasis is placed on the significance of microorganisms as well as societal diseases and the role of bacteria in infection, immunity, and the host-resistance mechanism of the body. Serology and diagnostic procedures will also be discussed. Laboratory will involve the identification, isolation, and proper handling of bacteria.