Computer Use Policy

  1. Purpose
    Columbia-Greene Community College owns and operates a variety of computing systems provided for the use of C-GCC students, faculty, and staff in support of the programs of the College and are for education, research, academic development, and public service only. Commercial uses are specifically excluded. Special permission users are to observe these guidelines and are not to interfere with the needs of C-GCC faculty, students, and staff. All students are responsible for using the computing facilities and machines in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner.

    This document establishes rules and prohibitions that define acceptable use of these systems. Unacceptable use is prohibited and is grounds for discipline or legal sanctions under Federal, State, local laws, and College regulations.

    The College reserves the right to amend this policy at any time without notice.
  2. Audience and Agreement
    All users must read, understand, and comply with the guidelines established by the administrators of the systems (The Academic Support Center, computer lab, computer classrooms, administrative/academic systems, and Library). By using any of these systems, students agree they have read, understand, and will comply with these guidelines.

    Students are only allowed to use computers in designated computer classrooms, labs, and the Library.  Students may not load or delete programs on any College computer under any circumstances.
  3. Rights
    C-GCC reserves all rights, including termination of service without notice, to the computing resources.  These procedures shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights of C-GCC, nor shall they conflict with applicable acts of law. C-GCC reserves the right to monitor and record the activity of all users on the network. Users have rights that may be protected by Federal, State, local laws, and College regulations.
  4. Privileges
    Access and privileges of computing systems are assigned and managed by the administrators of specific individual systems. Eligible individuals may become authorized users of a system and be granted appropriate access and privileges by following the approval steps prescribed for that system.
  5. Responsibilities
    Users are responsible for maintaining the following:
    1. An environment in which access to all C-GCC computing resources are shared equitably among users. The system administrator sets minimum guidelines within which users must conduct their activities.
    2. An environment conducive to working and learning.  Users who access the College’s computing systems to harass, or make defamatory remarks, shall bear full responsibility for their actions.  Further, users agree that C-GCC’s role in managing these systems is only as an information carrier, and that they will never consider transmission through these systems as an endorsement of said transmission by C-GCC. When accessing the Internet, users are advised that they may encounter material considered offensive or objectionable in nature or content. Users are further advised that C-GCC does not assume responsibility for the contents of any of these outside networks. The user agrees to comply with the acceptable use guidelines for whichever outside networks or services they may access through C-GCC systems. Further, the user agrees to follow proper etiquette on outside networks. The user agrees never to attempt to transmit, or cause to be transmitted, any message in which the origination is deliberately misleading. The user agrees that, in the unlikely event someone does transmit, or cause to be transmitted, any message inconsistent with an environment conducive to working or learning or with a misleading origination, the person who performed the transmission will be solely accountable for the message, not C-GCC, which is acting solely as the information carrier.
    3. An environment free of illegal or malicious acts. The user agrees never to perform an illegal or malicious act. Any attempt to increase the level of access authorized, or any attempt to deprive other authorized users of resources or access to any C-GCC computer system shall be regarded as malicious and may be treated as an illegal act.
    4. A secure environment. Any user who finds a possible security lapse on any system must report to the system administrator/IT office. Knowledge of passwords or of loopholes in computer security systems shall not be used to damage computing resources, obtain extra resources, take resources from another user, gain unauthorized access to resources, or otherwise make use of computing resources for which proper authorization has not been given. All users shall take proper precautions to keep their system and passwords secure. Users shall not leave passwords written or displayed where an unauthorized user can view them. Users shall not give their passwords to other users and will be held responsible for that user’s actions if they do. All users shall not leave their computer unsupervised while they are accessing any application, data, or system of a secure nature, without taking proper measures to secure their computer from unauthorized access during their absence. Any users with access to the College administrative network and applications are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the databases to which they have access and shall take every security measure necessary to maintain that database integrity.  The IT office provides limited use, captive accounts for employee access to the administrative network and applications. These accounts have high security measures implemented and are recommended for users who do not require full access to the administrative database. As a security measure, students may not use any computer designated for employee usage, including those computers located in employee offices. This includes student employees, unless the student employee has been delegated job duties that require computer usage and has received permission from the department supervisor to use the computer.
    5. Password protocols:
      • Change passwords often.
      • Pick passwords which are difficult for someone to guess.
      • Avoid words that might appear in the dictionary.
      • Select passwords with embedded numbers or punctuation, or that consist of multiple words.
      • Do not record a password in a place that might be found by an unauthorized user.
    6. Healthy computer system and environment:
      • Users may not remove the central unit cover and/or expose the internal components. 
      • Users may not install or reinstall software applications, upgrades, or operating systems.  All diagnoses of, and repairs to, damaged computers will be performed by the IT office, by a College employee designated by the IT office, or at the request of the IT office, by an outside service vendor.  Students are NOT authorized to perform any action listed herein.
  6. Inappropriate Use
    Users must be sensitive to the public nature of shared facilities. Behavior reflects on the individual and the College. Computing and networking resources should be used only in accordance with this policy. Any intentional behavior with respect to the electronic environment that interferes with the missions or activities of the College community will be regarded as unethical and may lead to disciplinary action under standard College rules for misconduct and existing judicial, disciplinary, or personnel processes. Examples of inappropriate and unacceptable use of the computer system include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Creating, displaying, printing, downloading, or transmitting information that violates the College’s sexual harassment policy. This includes, but is not limited to, displaying sexually explicit, graphically disturbing, or sexually harassing images or text.
    2. Playing games. This includes, but is not limited to, PC-based games, Internet games, MUDs, or any other type of interactive Internet game playing site.
    3. Knowingly or carelessly running or installing on any computer system or network, or giving to another user, a program intended to damage or to place excessive load on a computer system or network or to deprive authorized personnel of resources or access to any College computer system. This includes, but is not limited to, programs known as computer viruses, Trojan Horses, and worms.
    4. Using an account belonging to another individual or allowing a personal account to be used by another individual.
    5. Using College account passwords with any other account, including personal accounts.
    6. Attempting to access data being transferred through the network or files on any computer connected to the network without the owner’s permission.
    7. Installing, changing, or removing software on any computer system. This includes, but is not limited to, changing system defaults, customizing settings to individual preferences, deleting files from the system, and storing data files on any location other than a flash drive or space on the computer granted by the system administrator.
    8. Deliberately wasting/overloading computer resources. This includes but is not limited to, printing multiple copies of a document or printing large documents that may be available online and might impact significantly on other users’ printing resources. Conserve resources by avoiding unnecessary file transfers. Large file transfers should be undertaken during non-peak hours (8 p.m.-8 a.m. on weekdays, and any time on Saturday, Sunday, and holidays).
    9. Using e-mail or messaging services to harass, intimidate, or otherwise annoy another person, for example, by broadcasting unsolicited messages or sending mail that is known to be unwanted. This also applies to material originating from this campus but sent to other sites or individuals on the Internet. Chain letters, mass mailings (SPAM), and advertisements fall into this category and are unacceptable uses of the computer system.
    10. Using computing facilities for financial gain or commercial purposes.
    11. Using computer resources for any personal use.
    12. Violating software copyrights and usage licensing agreements.
    13. Violating usage policies and regulations of the College’s member networks or has authority to use.
    14. Engage in academic dishonesty (for example, plagiarism or cheating).
    15. Using computing systems to stream audio/video for purposes other than education, research, academic development, or public service.
    16. Students accessing outside personal e-mail accounts consistent with this policy is permitted.  Using College-provided e-mail addresses for personal use is prohibited.
    17. Using any non-College or personal computer equipment, stand-alone or laptop computers in conjunction with College computer equipment is not recommended or supported. Personal laptop computer use is restricted to stand-alone use. No user is to substitute or install any internal or peripheral computer component owned by the College into a non-College owned computer. The IT office will not support equipment not owned by the college unless with special arrangement for a specific piece of equipment for a specified amount of time pre-approved by IT and the department supervisor.
    18. Using a College e-mail address to create accounts at third-party sites for personal use is prohibited.
  7. Public LAN Access
    Students and public visitors may use non-College computers on the Public LAN, that supports wired and wireless access in designated areas of the College. Wired network connections are specifically labeled as public access. No one may connect a non-College owned device into any network jack not labeled as public. Service and security on the Public LAN are not guaranteed and are “use at your own risk”. The College recommends users have antivirus software installed on their laptops with the latest anti-virus definitions along with any critical operating system patches or updates before they access the Public LAN. Infected laptops or those laptops found to inhibit network traffic will be removed from the network until the laptop is free from infection or malfunction. Columbia-Greene Community College will accept no responsibility for any damage to personal software or hardware while using the Public LAN. Use of the Public LAN implies acceptance and adherence to the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities for acceptable use outlined in this policy. C-GCC reserves the right to monitor and record the activity of all users on the network.
  8. Violations
    An individual’s computer use privileges may be suspended immediately for a possible violation of these policies. Such suspected violations will be reported to the appropriate system administrator and to the Dean of Students under the Code of Conduct.  Violations of these policies will be handled in the same manner as violations of other College policies and may result in disciplinary review. In such a review, the full range of disciplinary sanctions is available including the loss of computer use privileges, dismissal from the College, and legal action. Violations of some of the above policies may constitute a criminal offense.