Fire Drills, Lockdown Procedure & Lost and Found

Fire Drills

The College conducts fire drills in accordance with Section 807 of the New York State Education Law. These drills instruct students how to exit buildings in the shortest possible time without confusion or panic. Students and employees are requested to acquaint themselves with the proper procedures when an alarm sounds. The following procedures must be followed:

  • Regard every drill as a real emergency.
  • Close doors.
  • Shut off electrical equipment.
  • Assist handicapped persons where possible.
  • Move at least 100 feet from the building.
  • Wait for instructions from officials before returning to the building.

Students are urged to be mindful of personal safety and personal property at all times. Cars should be locked and books, pocketbooks, calculators, etc. should be kept under close supervision. Under no circumstances should books and other personal belongings be left in the Student Activities Office, the cafeteria, lounges, or any other public area. Lockers are available from the Athletic Department for a $5.00 fee per semester.

Security Office
Location: Room 200
Phone: (518) 697-6170

Lockdown Procedure

The College has a system activated when a dangerous situation is occurring or may occur.  There are white boxes with an amber light in locations around the College.  When the system is activated, the amber lights will flash, and a voice will announce “Lockdown”.  Even without hearing the voice, the flashing lights will indicate a lockdown.  The system is never used for anything else.  IF THE LIGHTS ARE FLASHING, A LOCKDOWN IS IN PROGRESS.

Head to the nearest classroom, office, or other room.  Do not stay in the hallway.  The faculty member or other personnel will lock the door, and the door will remain locked until a police officer unlocks it.  Move away from the windows and doors and stay quiet.

Lost and Found

The Office of Safety and Security receives reports of property reported lost. Property that has been found and turned in to the Security Office remains in same until the end of the semester if not claimed by its owner(s).  Items not claimed by the end of the semester will be properly disposed.

Location: Room 200
Phone: (518) 697-6170