Allied Health Electives
All courses with the following prefixes:
AH Allied Health
Business Electives
All courses with the following prefixes:
AC Accounting
AH 125 Medical Office Procedures
AH 126 Medical Billing
AH 132 Medical Coding
AH 145 Administrative Office Management
BU Business
CI Computer Information
CS 134 Computer and Informatics Science I
CS 203 Database Concepts
EC Economics
MA 103 Business Mathematics
MK Marketing
PY 104 Psychology for Business
SL 115 Conflict Resolution: Theory and Practice
Computer Information Electives
CI Computer Information
MK 160 Introduction to Digital Marketing
Computer Science Electives
CS Computer Science
Note: CI courses are not approved as computer science electives for Computer Science A.S. majors.
Humanities Electives
All courses with the following prefixes:
AR Art
CO Communications
DA Dance
EN English
FR French
HI History
HU Humanities
IT Italian
MU Music
PL Philosophy
SA Spanish
SN Sign Language
TH Theater
Mathematics/Science Electives
All courses with the following prefixes:
AH 202 Pharmacology
BI Biology
CH Chemistry
GE 101 Physical Geology
MA Mathematics (except MA 105 & MA 114 unless otherwise noted in programs)
PX Physics
SC Science
Social Science Electives
All courses with the following prefixes:
CD Chemical Dependency
CJ 102 Introduction to Criminal Justice
CJ 114 Corrections: Institutional and Community
CJ 115 American Policing
CJ 150 Terrorism and Homeland Security
CJ 211 Substantive Criminal Law
CJ 212 Procedural Criminal Law
EC Economics
ED Education
HI History
HS Human Services
PS Political Science
PY Psychology
SL Social Science
SO Sociology