Multiple Measures and Placement Tests

A placement test may be required to determine whether the applicant has the necessary skills and/or knowledge for a particular program. Applicants who need skill-building will be required to complete one or more of the following non-credit courses based on placement testing scores or Multiple Measures assessment:

EN 090 A transitional skills English course designed to prepare a student in developing skills in written and oral communication. ACCUPLACER WritePlacer (essay) scores 1 and 2.

EN 100 A transitional skills English composition course designed to better prepare a student for EN 101. ACCUPLACER WritePlacer (essay) scores 3 and 4.

MA 090 A transitional skills basic mathematics/pre-algebra course designed to prepare a student for MA 098 or MA 100. NEXT  GENERATION  ACCUPLACER score 236-244 in arithmetic.

MA 098 A transitional skills pre-statistics course designed to prepare a student for MA102. NEXT GENERATION ACCUPLACER score of 245 or greater in Arithmetic or 237-259 in Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics.

MA 100 A transitional skills pre-algebra course designed to prepare a student for MA 110. NEXT GENERATION ACCUPLACER score of 245 or greater in Arithmetic or 237- 259 in Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra & Statistics.

RS 100 A transitional skills course designed to improve reading comprehension level. NEXT GENERATION ACCUPLACER score 260-300.

Applicants with documented disabilities may request academic adjustments for the Placement Test. Inquiries should be directed to the Office of Accessibility Services at 518.697.6437.

ESL/ELL Placement Test

Criteria for ESL/ELL Testing:

Depending on previous college or high school coursework, students who identify English as their second language may be required to take a  CLASSIC  ACCUPLACER  ESL/ELL placement exam.

If a student does not identify English as their native language and their high school transcript indicates ESL/ELL courses, then the student may be required to take a CLASSIC  ACCUPLACER ESL/ELL placement exam.

Based on the results of the placement test, students may be required to complete one or more of the following non-credit courses:

ES 096 A transitional skills course designed to develop and promote intermediate level proficiencies in all areas of language acquisition – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – necessary for students to become college ready. NEXT GENERATION ACCUPLACER ESL/ELL score 203-301.

ES 098 A transitional skills course designed to develop and promote advanced level proficiencies in all areas of language acquisition – reading, writing, listening, and speaking – necessary for students to become college ready. NEXT GENERATION ACCUPLACER ESL/ELL score 302-377.

ESL/ELL Placement Scores:

Out of a possible 480 composite total for four tests: ESL Language Use, ESL Listening, ESL Reading Skills, and ESL Sentence Meaning:

  • Total Score: 378-480 = Tester is exempt from ES course(s)
  • Total Score: 302-377 = ES 098 and RS 100 required
  • Total Score: 203-301 = ES 096 required
  • Total Score of 202 or LOWER = May be too low (if student does not have high school diploma)

All other Admissions criteria apply.