The Student Success Center provides instructional support services to CGCC students and faculty.
Computer Labs
- Computer Access
- Printing
- Software and internet access to support classwork
By appointment only: Please contact the Student Success Center to reserve a computer 24 hours ahead of time in one of our computer labs.
Contact information:
(518) 697-6380
Calculator Loan Program
- Semester-long borrowing of graphing calculators
Peer Tutoring:
Remote tutoring by qualified peer tutors include:
- One-to-one tutoring
- Learning Groups
- On-line sessions in Math, Science, Study Skills
- Test Review Sessions (Faculty requested)
Transitional Studies:
The Transitional Studies Division provides Reading Skills (RS 100), English (EN 090 and EN 100), English as a New Language (ES 096 and ES 098) and Math MA 090, MA 098, and MA 100) coursework to students based upon their placement results. The purpose of this coursework is to prepare and to support students academically for success in college level studies. Coursework is offered in both classroom and lab settings. Lab classes are designed as an individualized approach to meet the diverse academic needs of students. However, Lab classes also provide students with both whole and small group instruction by qualified faculty. Students also are encouraged to participate in “Open Labs” allowing them additional time to work with transitional studies faculty outside of their scheduled class time. In addition, students may be invited to participate in the RASC (Roadway to Academic Success and Completion) Mentoring Program as part of their overall student success experience.
Transitional Studies Chairperson: Michael Phippen
Phone: (518) 697-6467