The Board of Trustees of the Columbia-Greene Community College (C-GCC), Hudson, New York, in the interest of providing a safe work environment and a healthy, productive work force, does adopt the following Tobacco-Free Policy. The Tobacco-Free Policy will go into effect on September 1, 2015 on the C-GCC Campus and supports the resolution passed by the State University of New York Board of Trustees in June 2012.
C-GCC is committed to providing its employees, students and visitors with a safe and healthy environment. The college recognizes that the use of tobacco products on the College premises is detrimental to the health and safety of all. To that end, the use of tobacco products will not be permitted at any time on College grounds and facilities and in vehicles owned, leased or controlled by the college. This policy shall be implemented with an emphasis given towards positive methods of ensuring compliance whenever possible.
- Tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, blunts, pipes, bidis, hookahs, chewing tobacco, dip, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco or tobacco products.
- Tobacco use includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any other use of tobacco products.
- College premises includes any property in use by the College; property leased or owned (including all grounds, buildings, facilities, vehicles, parking lots); property used for official functions sponsored by the College; and property used by the College in the conduct of any of its courses.
- Students, employees, visitors, volunteers, contractors or other persons performing services on behalf of the College shall not be permitted to use any tobacco product at any time while on College premises.
- The sale or free distribution of tobacco products or merchandise on College premises shall be prohibited.
- Tobacco advertisements shall be prohibited in College-run publications and on College premises.
- It shall be the responsibility of all C-GCC employees and students to comply fully with the policy.
- Students who repeatedly violate this policy will be handled through the student disciplinary process.
- Employees who repeatedly violate this policy will be referred to their supervisor. Repeated violations by employees will be handled through the appropriate employee disciplinary process.
- Visitors, volunteers, contractors or other service providers who repeatedly violate this policy shall be asked to leave campus.
- Communication Signage and other forms of communication will be posted in a manner and location that adequately notifies students, employees, visitors, volunteers, contractors or other persons performing services on behalf of the College about this policy.
- Education C-GCC will consult with appropriate health organizations and resources to identify and provide programs and opportunities for students and employees to gain a greater understanding of the health hazards of tobacco use.
- Cessation C-GCC will consult with appropriate health organizations and resources to identify and provide programs and opportunities for students and employees to access support systems, programs, and services that encourage them to abstain from the use of tobacco products.