The Student Activities Office conducts business related to student clubs and organizations. New and returning students are encouraged to get involved with this “co-curricular” education. Involvement outside of the classroom can supplement and strengthen the classroom experience, provide skill development and build lifelong friendships. Most activities are planned, organized, and developed by the Student Activities Board (SAB). Examples of events coordinated by this group include performances by comedians and bands, game shows, novelty acts, educational experiences, and trips.
The C-GCC Faculty Student Association, Inc. operates the Bookstore and Day Care Center. Student government officers serve as members of this organization. Students interested in becoming involved in Student Government should contact the Student Activities Office.
ID Cards: Student ID cards are issued free of charge in the Office of Student Activities, Room 302. All full- and part-time matriculated and non-matriculated students are required to have a college-issued ID. The Student ID will be valid for the current academic year. Student IDs are required for use in the Office of Athletics, Athletic facilities, College Library, the Office of the Bursar, the College Cafeteria, as well as at college-sponsored events. Discounts are often available off campus by presenting a College ID card. Any person (student, faculty, or staff) on college property or at a College function is required to present the College ID upon request. The first replacement card is free of charge. Any replacement thereafter will incur a $5.00 fee.
Registered Clubs and Organizations
A registered student club/organization has access to college facilities to promote and conduct its activities. To become a registered student club/organization, a group need not comply with the College’s ‘all-comers’ policy. The group needs to provide a stated purpose, complete a registration packet, submit the names of officers and contact information, create a constitution and bylaws, and enlist a faculty/staff advisor. A club can be formed without a minimum number of members.
Forming a New Club
Students interested in forming a new club should contact the Associate for Student Activities for details and assistance in creating the organization.
Club Protocols
To be officially recognized, every organization must submit a constitution for Student Senate review and approval. Final approval also must be secured from the Dean of Students. This constitution must be compatible with the policies, regulations, and philosophy of the College.
The student organization must have a faculty member, staff member, or administrator as an advisor. Faculty/staff advisors assist in planning the overall activities of the club and training new officers.
Each organization is responsible for planning and implementing its activities. All activities should be related to the club’s organizational goals and objectives, as well as be approved by the club advisor. Students interested in forming a new club should contact the Associate for Student Activities for details and assistance.
Role of the Club Advisor
The College requires that all campus-recognized clubs have a Club Advisor (faculty, staff, or administrator) whose responsibility is to provide guidance and support to the organization.
Club Advisors are volunteer faculty, staff, or administrative members who, out of interest and dedication, give their time and talents to extracurricular programs. The selection and term of Club Advisors is the responsibility of club members. The Student Activities Office must be informed of these choices. Final approval is given by the Dean of Students. Off-Campus Activities
Club members attending conferences or other off-campus meetings must:
- Stay with the delegation at the hotel and return with it, via transportation provided by the College.
- Attend all pre-conference, on-site, and post-conference delegation meetings.
- Attend and participate in all those aspects of the Conference/Trip required by the College.
- Behave responsibly and maturely. Intoxication, use of illegal substances, and abusive or inappropriate behavior may result in breaking conference, hotel, or College rules and may result in dismissal from the delegation and conference/trip. If asked to leave, a club member must reimburse the organization and the College for any expenses incurred.
- Certify that they are duly enrolled students in good academic standing at Columbia-Greene Community College, and they must release their cumulative grade point average to the Office of Student Activities for verification of academic standing.
Club members are representatives of Columbia-Greene Community College and have been chosen to represent their organization and its interests. Club members understand that any actions taken at the conference/trip will positively or negatively affect people’s opinions about the organization and the College.
Note: Contracts must be on file with the Dean of Students Office or Student Activities Office along with contact numbers.
Reference: Adapted from National Association of Campus Activities delegate contract (
Recognized Clubs and Organizations:
A recognized student club/organization may be awarded funding from student activity fee funds and has broad access to designated channels for advertising such as bulletin boards, promotion tables, and campus facilities. To become a recognized student club/organization, a group must comply with all appropriate regulations, including the College’s ‘all-comers’ policy.
A list of currently active clubs can be found on the College website at Students should be aware that the of a club depends on the members’ commitment to the club. Members are responsible for planning and implementing the activities of the club.
Responsibilities of Club and Organization Treasurers and Advisors:
- The advisor of each organization has the responsibility to approve payment of bills for goods and services contracted for by authorized members of the organization.
- Only goods or services planned, stated, and approved according to the current procedures of the Student Activities Office will be considered for payment.
- The treasurer of each organization must maintain a record of expenditures and receipts.
- If expenditures occur that are not in accordance with the financial policies of the Student Activities Fund, possible censure and withdrawal of funds may occur.
Student Activities Event Request Form
A Student Activities Event Request Form must be submitted to the Student Activities Office when any student club or organization plans to sponsor an event. This form should be filed at least two weeks prior to the event to avoid conflicts and duplication. Blank forms can be picked up in the Student Activities Office in Room 302.
Student Activities Fundraising Form
A Student Activities Fundraising Form must be submitted to the Student Activities Office when any student club or organization plans to have a fundraising event. This form should be filled out at least two weeks prior to the fundraising event to assure proper approval. Blank forms can be picked up in the Student Activities Office in Room 302.
Promotional Assistance for Student-Sponsored Events
Students seeking assistance in promoting a student or community activity must see the Associate for Student Activities. Remember, no event can be advertised without filling out a Student Activities Event Request Form. Once approved, the event may be advertised.
Vendors on Campus
Vendors hoping to have a booth on campus to sell items to students must submit a Campus Vendor/Tabling Request Form to the Student Activities Office. This form should be filled out at least two weeks prior to the date of sale to assure proper approval. Blank forms can be picked up in the Student Activities Office in Room 302.
Use of College Facilities for College-Sponsored Clubs and Organizations
The Office of Community Services acts as the clearinghouse for the use of College facilities; however, College-sponsored clubs and organizations should begin the process in the Student Activities Office (Room 302). When the College is officially closed, only those individuals who are engaged in administrative assignments or involved in supervised activities or classes will be allowed access.
Contact Person: Caitlin Twomey, Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development
Phone: (518) 697-6316
Location: Room 302