Student Crisis Response Procedure

The C-GCC Crisis Response Procedure responds to the needs of the student population during a critical incident and/or during individual student crisis situations. Medical emergencies are not covered by this procedure. In the event of a medical emergency, contact the College Nurse or Security.  If the seriousness of a situation is unclear, contact Security.


  • Critical Incident: A Critical Incident is an on-campus or off-campus event that significantly impacts the emotional health and well-being of the student population. Examples include assaults, sexual assaults, suicide or suicide attempt, accident with major casualties or fatalities, hate crimes, acts of terrorism, or bomb threats.
  • Student in Crisis: A student in crisis is one who is in jeopardy of hurting others, or one involved in a critical incident.
  • Crisis Response Team: The Crisis Response Team (CRT) comprises the Dean of Students, Director of Accessibility Services, College Nurse/Director of Health Services, Director of Security, Deputy Sheriff, and faculty members and other College staff, as necessary.

Response to Critical Incident:

When a critical incident arises, the Dean of Students shall immediately notify the CRT members and assemble them, as appropriate, to determine the College’s response.  In the absence of the Dean of Students, the Vice President of Administration, the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs or the President will automatically assume this role. In the absence of all these individuals, the Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs shall assume the role. Prior to assembling the CRT, on-scene responders have the authority to make necessary operational decisions and to commit resources to mitigate and control any critical incident that occurs on campus.

Response to Student in Crisis during Regular Business Hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)

  • When a student is in crisis, a CRT member will be contacted and will consult with one or more members to determine whether intervention by the College is appropriate. The Dean of Students will be notified immediately of the CRT’s decision and response plan.
  • If the CRT decides that a psychological evaluation is warranted, an ambulance shall be summoned to take the student to the nearest hospital emergency room. If the student is uncooperative, a mental hygiene arrest will be requested through the appropriate local law enforcement agency. In either event, a family member (parent/spouse) or guardian of the student in \crisis will be notified with the student’s permission. If the student in crisis is under 18 years of age, a family member/guardian will be notified.
  • A student in crisis shall not be permitted to return to campus until agreeing to a re- entry plan. The re-entry plan will be coordinated by the Dean of Students in consultation with the involved CRT members and other appropriate professionals on a case- by-case basis. The re-entry plan will be approved and implemented by the Dean of Students. In the event the student in crisis subsequently engages in conduct that poses a risk to others, the Student Code of Conduct will supersede the re-entry plan.

Response to Student in Crisis after Regular Business Hours (5 p.m. to 8 a.m.)

  • In the event a student is in crisis after regular business hours, the Security Officer on duty will be contacted and will consult with the Dean of Students to determine whether intervention by the College is appropriate.
  • If the Dean of Students is unavailable, the appropriate local law enforcement agency will be contacted.
  • If a psychological evaluation of a student in crisis is deemed appropriate, the student will be informed by the Security Officer on duty of the available options including utilization of an ambulance or utilization of a local law enforcement agency. If the student is uncooperative, a mental hygiene arrest will be requested through the appropriate local law enforcement agency.
  • An Incident Report will be forwarded to the Dean of Students for follow-up purposes including a meeting with the student in crisis to determine whether a re-entry plan is required.
  • If the individual in crisis is not a current student, the appropriate local law enforcement agency will be contacted to assess the welfare of the individual and determine the appropriate response.

Response to Student in Crisis Off-Campus:

  • The Security Officer on duty will contact the appropriate local law enforcement agency and request a welfare check of the student in crisis. The officer on duty will request an update from the local law enforcement agency following contact with the student in crisis.
  • In cases involving a current student, the Dean of Students will be notified.
  • An Incident Report will be forwarded to the Dean of Students for follow-up purposes. The Dean of Students will meet with the student in crisis to determine the need for a re-entry plan.

Contact persons:
Office: Security Office, Room 200
Phone: (518) 697-6170

Office: Andrew Ledoux, Dean of Students
Phone: (518) 697-6320