At Columbia-Greene Community College, the safety and wellbeing of students, faculty, staff, and visitors is a high priority. A safe and secure environment can only be achieved through the cooperation of all members of the campus community. The following information is part of an effort to ensure that this collaborative endeavor is effective.
Reporting Criminal Incidents and Other Emergencies
Emergency calls to report a crime or serious incident can be made by contacting Security at extension 6170, room 200. Upon receipt of report, appropriate security or administrative personnel will be sent to the location. Criminal offenses will be reported to appropriate police agencies and investigated for future prosecution. The campus community is notified of situations that pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the community through use of e-mail, interoffice memoranda, student message board, bulletin boards, Facebook, C-GCC website, public address system, and announcements in classes, if warranted.
Facility Security Access
Most campus facilities are open to the public during the day and evening hours when classes are in session. At night and during times that the campus is officially closed, College buildings are locked and only faculty, staff, and specific students with proper identification are admitted. The College maintains security coverage 24 hours a day.
Enforcement Authority
Although the Security Officers at Columbia- Greene Community College have no law enforcement powers, they help ensure personal safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors. The College’s Security Officers enforce campus policies, regulations, and procedures. Columbia-Greene Community College Security Officers have the authority to ask persons for identifications and to determine whether individuals have lawful business at the College. Security Officers do not possess arrest power. Criminal incidents are referred to the police department having jurisdiction on campus. In the event a crime is reported, the security staff has been instructed to forward the report to the appropriate police agency. The incident reported will be referred to the President’s Staff for evaluation and follow-up.
Deputy Sheriff on Campus
The College and the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department have an MOU that recognizes the Department has primary law enforcement jurisdiction on all Columbia County property owned, leased, or under the control of the College and will provide police services on said property. A copy of this MOU is available for review in the Dean of Students Office during normal business hours.
Description of Programs Designed to Inform About Crimes
The College makes an extensive effort to make sure posters and information are prominently displayed and distributed at Student Orientation. Sexual Assault Prevention information is published in the Student Handbook and is widely available to all students and employees. Prevention programs are conducted throughout the year. Parking areas are patrolled by security in moving vehicles at night. Escorts to parking areas are available on request. Security, safety, and emergency procedures are published in the Student Handbook. The maintenance department inspects campus facilities with a concern for safety and security and makes repairs as needed. Safety or security hazards can be reported to the Security Office or the Director of Buildings and Grounds. The cooperation and involvement of all members of the campus community are essential for a safe campus. Everyone must assume responsibility for personal safety and the security of personal belongings by taking common sense precautions. Students, faculty, and staff should report any suspicious persons or any unusual incidents that are observed to security.
The Jeanne Clery Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act
A copy of the State University of New York at Columbia-Greene Community College Campus Crime Statistics as reported annually to the U.S. Department of Education will be provided upon request by the campus Safety and Security Committee. Please direct all such requests to the Office of the Dean of Students at (518-697-6320). Information can also be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education website at .
Reporting a Bias/Hate Crime
Victims of bias/hate crime or bias/hate incidents can avail themselves of counseling and support services from the campus and can be reported to the following: Dean of Students, Health Services, Security Office, Accessibility Services, and Advising, Career and Transfer Services.
Emergency Management Plan
The College’s Emergency Management Plan provides general guidance to students, faculty, staff, and visitors should an emergency occur on campus. While no document can define every possible event or response, the information contained in the plan will help identify the organization and procedures the College will implement before, during, and after a campus emergency. The College Day Care Center has a separate Emergency Management Plan.
Safety and Security Committee
The College has an advisory committee on campus security in accordance with Section 6450 of the Education Law. The organizational structure of this committee consists of students, faculty, and staff, and reports directly to the President. In general, the Committee deals with all issues related to campus safety and security.